Affirm, Share, Ask Cycles for Person-Centered Communication and Counseling Video Series

0.50 hr
Contraception Preconception and Preventive Health Title X Family Planning Program
Last Reviewed

This video series demonstrates the Affirm, Share, Ask Cycles for Person-Centered Communication and Counseling. These videos, which present brief provider-client interactions, are intended for sexual and reproductive health staff who interface with clients in a clinical setting (e.g., clinical services providers, nurses, health educators). 

Time: 30 minutes

Certificate of Completion: No

Affirm or Acknowledge with Empathy and Validation

This video demonstrates the first A in an ASA cycle, which is Affirming or Acknowledging the client. It shows two ways to do this: demonstrating empathy and validation.


Affirm or Acknowledge by Finding Agreement and Pointing Out Health-Supporting Behaviors

This video demonstrates the first A in an ASA Cycle, which is Affirming or Acknowledging the client. It shows two ways to do this: finding agreement and pointing out health-supporting behaviors.


Share Information 

This video focuses on the S in an ASA Cycle, which is sharing information in a way that prioritizes health literacy. It includes use of plain language, visual aids, tactile aids, natural frequencies, and common denominators.

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Ask Open-ended, Focused Questions

This video focuses on the second A in an ASA cycle, which is asking open-ended, focused questions.

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Reflective Listening

This video demonstrates Reflective Listening, which is a type of ASA cycle.