Suggested Training Lists
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We found 11 suggested training lists.
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Contraception Resources for Sexual and Reproductive Health Staff Training List
This training list includes resources for providers to build knowledge, strengthen skills, and implement practice changes to provide quality care and counseling to clients seeking contraceptives.
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Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Resources for TPP Program Staff
This training list will help Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program staff strengthen their knowledge of adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
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Maternal Health Champion Resources for Sexual and Reproductive Health Staff
This training list will help sexual and reproductive health providers build their knowledge and skills to make meaningful changes toward maternal health outcomes at the systems levels. After completing these trainings, staff from Title-X funded agencies will receive:
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Infertility Prevention and Services Resources for Sexual and Reproductive Health Staff
This training list includes resources to equip sexual and reproductive health staff with a foundational understanding of infertility and the scope of basic infertility services.
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Heart Health Resources for Sexual and Reproductive Health Staff
This training list will help sexual and reproductive health providers learn more about what they can do to help prevent heart disease and hypertension by implementing best practices in their clinical settings.
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Human Trafficking Resources for Sexual and Reproductive Health Staff
This training list includes both foundational resources (such as the SOAR to Health and Wellness Human Trafficking Training) and more advanced training on strategies to prevent and screen for human trafficking in sexual and reproductive health care settings.
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Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Resources for TPP Educator/Frontline Staff
This training list will help Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) educators and frontline staff build their adolescent sexual and reproductive health education skills, including ways to connect youth to adolescent-friendly support services.
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Sustainability Planning & Implementation for TPP Project Staff
This training list will help Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) staff learn how to plan and implement sustainability plans for their projects.
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Program Implementation Skills for New TPP Educator/Frontline Staff
This training list will help build new Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) staff build skills for implementing classroom-based adolescent sexual and reproductive health programming.
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Foundational Skills in Adolescent Health for New TPP Educator/Frontline Staff
This training list will help new Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) staff build skills to provide adolescent sexual and reproductive health education and services.
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New Title X Staff Orientation
New to Title X or looking for a refresher? This training list will help orient new staff to the Title X Program and its training requirements.