Reinforcing Loops for Systems Change in TPP Programs Webinar

1.00 hr
Event Archive
Systems Thinking Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
Last Reviewed

“Reality is made up of circles but we see straight lines. Herein lies the beginnings of our limitation as systems thinkers.” ~Peter Senge

If you want to make meaningful, lasting change, you have to be able to identify causal connections and leverage reinforcing feedback. The ability to make causal connections and identify interdependencies in systems in order to see the big picture is what systems thinking is all about. You will learn about the importance of causal connections and their influence on systems. This webinar shares examples specific to a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPP) to help build your skills in identifying the causal links in your TPP program and the broader system. Being able to see interdependencies, explore causal relationships, and anticipate effects of actions takes intentional practice. As you identify the circular nature of cause and effect, you will better understand the structure of your system and be able to determine leverage actions to help achieve your desired results.

This webinar is intended for TPP program staff and builds upon content covered in Mental Models for Creating Systems Change


  • Sheri Marlin, M.Ed., Chief Learning Officer, Waters Center for Systems Thinking

Learning Objectives: 

By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify a reinforcing loop
  • Describe the anatomy of a reinforcing loop
  • Apply the concept of reinforcing loops to elements within systems in TPP programs

Time: 1 hour

Certificate of Completion: Yes - available after completing the evaluation at the end of the recording

Video Chapters

  • Introduction
  • Feedback Introduction (6:38)
  • Reinforcing Loop Introduction (9:56)
  • Core Theory of Success (16:33)
  • Video Example: Loops for Systems Change in School (20:52)
  • The Anatomy of a Loop (25:03)
  • Breakout Group Takeaways (31:52)
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* Click on a chapter block on the playback bar above or use the chapter menu (the third icon from the right) to jump directly to a section.