High Impact Practice Sets (HIPS) for Outpatient Settings Series

Maternal Health Preconception and Preventive Health Title X Family Planning Program
Last Reviewed

This page presents a series of High Impact Practice Sets (HIPS) to address leading causes of maternal mortality and racial disparities in maternal health in the outpatient sexual and reproductive health setting. These practices were adapted from Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) Patient Safety Bundles by the RHNTC in collaboration with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Each set includes three resources to support implementation of high impact practices: 

  • Webinar exploring the leading causes of maternal mortality, and high impact practices that sexual and reproductive health agencies can implement to address them
  • Job aid offering high impact practices and resources to support implementation
  • Measurement tool supporting the collection and use of data for quality improvement


High Impact Practice Set (HIPS) for Outpatient Settings: Strengthen Hypertension Services to Improve Maternal Health

Webinar Recording

Job Aid

Measurement Tool 

High Impact Practice Set (HIPS) for Outpatient Settings: Address Cardiac Conditions to Improve Maternal Health

Webinar Recording

Job Aid

Measurement Tool 

High Impact Practice Set (HIPS) for Outpatient Settings: Caring for People with Substance Use Disorder to Improve Maternal Health

Webinar Recording

Job Aid

Measurement Tool

High Impact Practice Set (HIPS) for Outpatient Settings: Respond to Mental Health Conditions to Improve Maternal Health 

Webinar Recording

Job Aid

Measurement Tool

Coming Soon: September 2024 

High Impact Practice Set (HIPS) for Outpatient Settings: Strengthen Postpartum Transition to Improve Maternal Health 

Webinar Recording 

Job Aid 

Measurement Tool