Respond to Mental Health Conditions to Improve Maternal Health: High Impact Practice Set (HIPS) for Outpatient Settings Webinar
This webinar, held on June 26, 2024, presents high impact practices to respond to mental health conditions in the outpatient sexual and reproductive health setting. This webinar is part of a series on High Impact Practice Sets (HIPS) that address leading causes of maternal mortality.
- Meg Sheahan, MSN, CNM, MPH, Senior Clinical Consultant, RHNTC
- Christena Raines, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, PMH-C, Perinatal Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
- Danielle Jones, Patient Advocate
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the impact of mental health conditions on maternal health
- Describe high impact practices that sexual and reproductive health providers can implement to respond to mental health conditions
- Describe at least two resources that sexual and reproductive health providers can use to implement high impact practices to respond to mental health conditions
Time: 1 hour
Continuing Education: 1.0 contact hour
There is no fee for a continuing nursing education (CNE) certificate upon successful completion of this activity.
JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Northeast Multistate Division Education Unit, an accredited approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
No individuals in a position to control content for this activity have any relevant financial relationships to declare.
There is no commercial support being received for this event.
This activity has been approved for a total of 1 contact hour. Activity #RHNTC44
Certificate of Completion: Yes - available after completing the evaluation at the end of the recording
Video Chapters
- Welcome and introductions
- Objectives and Initial Poll (03:16)
- Background on Maternal Mortality and Mental Health (05:02)
- Patient Advocate Testimonial (08:30)
- AIM Patient Safety Bundles and RHNTC HIPS Series (16:32)
- The 5 Rs (19:17)
- Resources (45:42)
- Final Poll and Q&A (49:32)

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