Demonstration Video Series: Applying the CUES Approach for Intimate Partner Violence Response

0.25 hr
Healthy Relationships Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Title X Family Planning Program
Last Reviewed

This video series illustrates how to apply the Confidentiality, Universal Education + Empowerment, and Support (CUES) intervention in response to intimate partner violence. These videos, which present brief provider-client interactions, are intended for sexual and reproductive health staff who interface with clients in a clinical setting (e.g., clinical services providers, nurses, health educators). The RHNTC developed this video series in partnership with Futures Without Violence (FWV).

Order safety cards free of charge from the FWV resource page.

Video 1: Universal Education and Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in a Reproductive Health Setting: A Demonstration

This video demonstrates the application of CUES versus traditional IPV screening in a reproductive health setting.

Video 2: Applying the “S” in CUES: Supporting a Client Who Discloses Intimate Partner Violence in a Reproductive Health Setting

This video demonstrates how to apply the “S” in the CUES approach to IPV, and illustrates how providers can support a client who discloses experiencing digital/online IPV.

Video 3: Navigating Historical and Current Reproductive Coercion with a Client in a Reproductive Health Setting

This video illustrates how IPV can affect personal reproductive health choices, specifically in the context of a client experiencing reproductive coercion with their sexual partner. The video also demonstrates how a provider can acknowledge a history of reproductive coercion in conversations with clients about their contraceptive options.


Time: 15 minutes

Certificates of Completion: No

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