Assessing Your Project's Youth Partnerships

Job Aid
Monitoring and Evaluation Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
Last Reviewed

Youth are important community members and should be respected partners in making decisions about the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) project activities intended for them. The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) expects TPP projects to meaningfully engage youth, as equal partners, in the design, implementation, and monitoring of projects. These efforts are most effective when projects create safe, supportive, and inclusive environments; provide equitable opportunities for all youth; and honor and amplify youth perspectives, expertise, voices, and values—especially of those who have been disadvantaged and/or marginalized.

Use this scorecard independently, with your team, or with your Youth Leadership Council to identify what your TPP project is doing to foster partnerships with youth. Then use the reflection tool to think through opportunities for youth partners to get involved in your project and steps you can take to increase their involvement.

This tool is part of the Effective Facilitation & Youth Engagement: A Toolkit for Working with Youth.