Recognizing Urgent Maternal Warning Signs in the Postpartum Period Webinar
Pregnancy-related deaths can occur up to one year after the end of pregnancy. Native American, Alaska Native, and Black women are two to three times more likely to die of pregnancy-related causes than White women. More than 80% of maternal deaths could be prevented.
Based on recommendations from the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM), this session covers the importance of screening for and flagging urgent maternal warning signs to reduce the chance of missing postpartum warning signs—like cardiomyopathy—that can lead to death. Speakers also share strategies and resources from AIM and the RHNTC that can support providers and staff to recognize and respond to urgent maternal warning signs.
This session is intended for non-obstetrical clinical services providers and staff.
- April Chavez, Survivor, Patient Advocate, and Maternal Sepsis Spokeswoman for END SEPSIS.
- Elena Jenkins, RN, BSN, Nurse Manager and Team Lead for a hospital-based Birth Equity Initiative and AIM Clinical Champion
- Dr. Tiffany Messerall DNP, APRN, WHNP-BC, RNC-OB, Evidence-Based Practice Lead for OhioHealth and AIM Clinical Champion
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the importance of screening for current or recent pregnancy, particularly in the 12 months following a pregnancy.
- Describe at least three urgent maternal warning signs that may occur up to a year after the end of a pregnancy.
- Describe at least two strategies to address implicit bias and reduce maternal health disparities.
- Identify at least two resources that can be used to learn more about recognizing and responding to urgent maternal warning signs.
Time: 1 hour
Continuing Education: 1.0 contact hour
JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Northeast Multistate Division Education Unit, an accredited approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. No individuals in a position to control content for this activity have any relevant financial relationships to declare. There is no commercial support being received for this event. This activity has been approved for a total of 1 contact hours. Activity #RHNTC32
Certificate of Completion: Yes - available after completing the evaluation at the end of the recording
Video Chapters
- Introduction
- Dr. Tiffany Messerall (2:33)
- April Chavez (11:50)
- Elena Jenkins (28:15)
- Q&A (40:37)

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