Maternal Health Summit for Title X Staff: Opportunities to Strengthen Health Systems and Provide Preventive Health Services and Supports

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The RHNTC invites Title X staff from grantee and subrecipient agencies to join us for the Maternal Health Summit for Title X Staff: Opportunities to Strengthen Health Systems and Provide Preventive Health Services and Supports on September 24 and 25, 2024 in Washington, D.C. 

Over 1.5 days, attendees will participate in interactive sessions designed to mobilize and equip Title X organizations to address maternal morbidity and mortality within their agencies and communities. Participants will work together to identify opportunities, strategies, and actions to increase awareness and understanding; and reduce maternal morbidity and mortality and disparities in maternal health1 outcomes.

Summit Objectives

By the end of the summit, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand disparities in maternal and infant health outcomes, and how social and structural determinants influence disparities in access to care and health outcomes 
  • Explain the upstream role of Title X agencies in addressing maternal health by increasing access to preventive health services and supports 
  • Identify and apply actions Title X agencies can take to support maternal health outcomes in the communities they serve
  • Identify resources to support Title X agencies, staff, and providers in delivering quality preconception health, maternal morbidity and mortality prevention, fertility, and infertility prevention services


We welcome staff from Title X grantee and subrecipient agencies2 to attend the Maternal Health Summit. We encourage two staff per agency to attend the summit to support follow-up information sharing and action planning. The convening is intended for Title X directors/administrators, program managers, clinical leadership (e.g., medical directors, nurse consultants, clinical consultants), training directors, quality improvement directors, and strategic communication staff. 

Registration is limited to the first 50 registrants and will be capped at two staff per agency. The RHNTC will confirm that each registrant is a Title X grantee or subrecipient before accepting their registration. If you have concerns about the cap of two staff per agency, please email

Travel Costs & Lodging

There is no registration fee to attend the Maternal Health Summit. The RHNTC will provide a $1,000 fixed travel expense reimbursement for each attendee, for up to two individuals per grantee or subrecipient agency, to defray expenses associated with attendance. Funds will be paid directly to grantee and subrecipient agencies following summit attendance, and approximately 30 days after submission of the required paperwork. After registration, the RHNTC will provide detailed instructions for how to receive the funds.

Rooms at The Morrow Hotel (summit venue) will be offered at no cost to attendees. All confirmed registrants will be included on the RHNTC’s master rooming list. An opt-out option is available in the registration form. Email with any questions or concerns, or if you need further assistance to support your attendance.


Registrations from eligible Title X staff will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until registration reaches the 50-person maximum. Registration will close on August 12, 2024. 


  1. While the term “maternal” is used, we recognize that not all people capable of pregnancy may identify as “mothers,” “women,” and/or with the word “maternal.’’ We recognize that individuals of all gender identities and expressions may also become pregnant and give birth.
  2. Grantee agencies receive Title X funds directly from the Office of Population Affairs. Subrecipient agencies received Title X funds from grantee agencies.