340B Drug Pricing Program Office Hours for Title X Agencies

Looking for more guidance on the 340B Drug Pricing Program? Join Mindy McGrath of the National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA) for this office hours session. During this office hour, Mindy will answer questions from Title X staff about 340B and will highlight related RHNTC resources.

This office hour is available only to Title X staff and capacity is limited to 60 participants. Participants will be approved after registering through Zoom.


  • Mindy McGrath, MPH, Senior Director, Policy & Communications, NFPRHA

Learning Objectives: 
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe two best practices for 340B compliance in the Title X setting
  • Name at least two resources Title X staff can use to support 340B compliance