Building a Supportive Environment for Staff Retention in Family Planning Settings Webinar

1.00 hr
Event Archive
Staff Retention and Wellness Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Title X Family Planning Program
Last Reviewed

Staff retention has been a long-standing challenge for many Title X agencies, a reality made worse by the pandemic. This webinar shared concrete solutions and frameworks to help your agency reduce burnout among staff and retain your workforce. Participants learned actionable next steps for building a supportive organizational climate to increase staff retention within family planning settings.

This webinar is intended for those in management level positions, including Title X program managers, administrators, clinic directors, HR staff, etc.

This resource is part of the Staff Support and Retention Toolkit.


  • Dr. Julie Rennecker, BSN, PhD, Founder and Chief Catalyst of Syzygy Teams, who brings extensive experience in staff recruitment and retention in health care settings

Learning Objectives: 

  • Describe two evidence-based approaches to building an organizational climate that supports staff retention in a family planning setting
  • Describe three organizational characteristics or policies that support staff retention
  • Explain the difference between "hygiene" and "motivating" factors and the importance of each for staff retention
  • Identify at least one process in their organization that could be changed to increase staff retention

Time: 1 hour

Certificate of Completion: Yes - available after completing the evaluation at the end of the recording

Video Chapters

  • The Great(er) Attrition (07:33)
  • Hygiene Factors and Motivators (23:56)
  • Breaking the Cycle: Strategies for Retention (30:49)
  • Action Planning (48:25)
  • Key Takeaways (50:14)

Screenshot of the Vimeo video timeline, with the chapter select being circled in Red.

* Click on a chapter block on the playback bar above or use the chapter menu (the third icon from the right) to jump directly to a section.

Supplemental Materials