The Benefits of Person-Centered Contraceptive Counseling Webinar

1.00 hr
Event Archive
Reproductive Goals/Life Planning Title X Family Planning Program
Last Reviewed

The Person-Centered Contraceptive Counseling (PCCC) measure is a tool that all clinics, including Title X agencies, can use to evaluate how well clients are supported during contraceptive counseling. During this webinar, participants hear from experts at the Person-Centered Reproductive Health Program (PCRHP) at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), who developed this validated measure through a patient engagement process. This webinar took place on February 27, 2024. 


  • Dr. Christine Dehlendorf, MD, MAS, Director, Person-Centered Reproductive Health Program, UCSF
  • Lindsey Gibson, MPH, Senior Project Manager, Person-Centered Reproductive Health Program, UCSF
  • Sonja Goetsch-Avila, Project Coordinator, Person-Centered Reproductive Health Program, UCSF
  • Caitlin Hungate (she/her), Training and Technical Assistance Provider and Grantee Liaison, RHNTC

Time: 1 hour

Certificate of Completion: Yes - available after completing the evaluation

Video Chapters

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Learning Objectives (3:40)
  • Goal of Person-centered Contraceptive Care (8:49)
  • A Reproductive Justice Issue (16:02)
  • PCCC Measure (22:44)
  • Q&A (41:22)
Vimeo video scroll screen shot, a chapter is highlighted, as it the chapters section.

* Click on a chapter block on the playback bar above or use the chapter menu (the third icon from the right) to jump directly to a section.

Supplemental Materials