Bayesian Interpretation of Estimates Webinar
1.00 hr
Event Archive
Monitoring and Evaluation
Research on TPP Programs and Components
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
Last Reviewed
This webinar describes a method for interpreting findings from impact evaluations and is a follow-up to the Introduction to Tier 2 Phase II BAyeSian Interpretation and Core Components webinar, held in November 2021. This webinar was developed for TPP Tier 2 Phase II grantees conducting rigorous evaluations and outlines steps for conducting analyses necessary to provide a BAyeSian interpretation of impact estimates in impact evaluations—specifically, in the field of teen pregnancy prevention.
Time: 1 hour
Certificate of Completion: No
Supplemental Materials
Webinar Slides (PDF)496.88 KB
Webinar Transcript (PDF)178.22 KB
Probability Tool Template (XLSX)36.81 KB