TPP23 Innovation Hubs

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) has funded six adolescent sexual health innovation grantees (called Innovation Hubs) to foster innovation, conduct research, and expand the evidence to support and advance equity in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program.

All Innovation Hubs are seeking applicants for their Innovation Development Teams (IDTs), whom they will support and collaborate with on adolescent sexual health innovation projects. Each Hub has chosen to serve as an incubator, an accelerator, or both.

Not sure if you should explore incubators or accelerators? This 2-minute explanation will help you figure it out. You can also view the FAQs.

Check out the information and links below to learn about each Hub’s approach, vision, and application process. Then assess which Hub might be the right fit for your adolescent sexual health organization.

In case you missed it:

Watch a recording of the Innovation Hubs Showcase, in which each Hub describes their approach to innovation and what they are looking for in an IDT.


As incubators, the three Hubs listed below will support multiple cohorts of IDTs in discovery, exploring gaps and user needs, idea generation, and prototyping with participatory methods.

RYSE (Reimagining Young People’s Sexual Health Equity)

ryse Innovation Hub logo, a project of etr.




youthink logo




As accelerators, the four Hubs listed below will support multiple cohorts of IDTs in demonstrating the feasibility, appropriateness, and desirability of existing prototypes, rigorously testing and refining prototypes, and preparing for future impact evaluation and dissemination.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What does OPA consider an innovation?

OPA defines innovation as a broad spectrum of new or adapted products, programming, strategies, approaches, interventions, policies, and practices that aim to prevent unintended teen pregnancy, prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among adolescents, and promote positive youth development. Innovation is not limited to a curriculum.

2. What do the Innovation Hubs do?

Innovation Hubs are intermediaries, funded by OPA, whose purpose is to identify and support multiple cohorts of Innovation Development Teams (IDTs). IDTs will develop, refine, and test innovative models and strategies intended to reduce unintended teen pregnancy, STIs, or associated risk factors, and promote positive youth development.

3. What are incubators and accelerators?

Incubators support IDTs in the develop and test stages. In these stages, IDTs explore a challenge, develop a problem statement, and build a solution around it.
Accelerators support IDTs in the test and refine stages. In these stages, IDTs test a prototype and refine it with continuous user feedback.

4. Are there priority/focus areas for Innovation Hubs?

While Innovation Hubs do not have a focus/priority area, each has unique expertise and a unique approach to supporting their IDTs. Reach out to individual Innovation Hubs for more information.

5. Are Innovation Hubs only recruiting organizations that focus on unintended teen pregnancy?

Innovation Hubs are nationally recruiting IDTs in a manner that will promote diversity of thought, innovation experience, and personal experience within and across teams. Recruitment will not be limited to organizations solely focused on reducing unintended teen pregnancy; organizations may also focus on preventing STIs among adolescents and/or promoting positive youth development. Any organization interested in or already pursuing innovations under these broad parameters are encouraged to reach out to individual Innovation Hubs for more information.

6. I am a current TPP grantee. Can I apply to be an IDT?

Yes, current TPP grantees can apply to be an IDT.

7. I am NOT a current grantee funded by OPA. Can I apply?

Yes. Participation with Innovation Hubs is not limited to TPP or Title X grantees.

8. Will I receive preference if I am an OPA grantee?

No, you will not receive preference if you are an OPA grantee.

9. Can I apply to multiple Innovation Hubs?

Yes, you may apply to multiple Innovation Hubs.  

10. I don’t have an intervention or innovation. Can I still apply?

Yes, you can apply without an intervention or innovation. Your best option is to apply to an incubator Hub. Reach out to individual Innovation Hubs for more information.

11. I don’t have experience developing a curriculum. Can I still apply?

Yes, innovations are not limited to traditional classroom curricula. Organizations with all levels of experience are welcome to apply. Please reach out to individual Innovation Hubs to see which is a good fit for your expertise.

12. Can I be funded to innovate elements of an evidence-based program (EBP)?

It may be possible to innovate elements of an EBP if the elements are proposed major adaptations. Major adaptations are significant changes made to an EBP that substantially change the model's core components, logic model, or delivery mechanism in a manner that may change the intended outcomes. Interventions identified as effective by the HHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review (TPPER) are only appropriate for this opportunity if significant adaptations are proposed to the intervention, ultimately creating a new intervention.

If you are proposing to test and refine a significantly adapted version of an EBP, please be sure to provide in your application a formal agreement from the intervention developer/purveyor/copyright holder indicating that you have permission to use and make changes to materials as a part of this opportunity. For more information, please reach out to individual Innovation Hubs. 

13. Will each Innovation Hub use the same criteria to select their IDTs?

No, each Innovation Hub has their own criteria to select their cohort of IDTs. For more information, please reach out to individual Innovation Hubs.

14. Can I engage with an Innovation Hub but not as an Innovation Development Team (IDT)?

Yes! Reach out to any Innovation Hub to learn about other ways to get involved in their work.

15. Can the same staff participate in both an Innovation Hub opportunity and also our current TPP grant (e.g., Tier 1, Tier 2 RI)?

Yes, but please take into account staffing capacity and the ability to meet the deliverables of both your grant and this opportunity. Also, as a reminder, staff cannot work more hours than 1 full-time employee (FTE) across all work activities.

This website was supported by the Office of Population Affairs (Grant TPSAH000006). The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.