Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health Equity in Family Planning Podcast Series

2.00 hr
Health Equity Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Title X Family Planning Program
Last Reviewed

Are you interested in increasing reproductive and sexual health equity at your family planning service site? This 4-episode podcast series explores tactics, programs, frameworks and ideals to help your program address inequities in family planning programs and provide more patient-centered care. Each episode is based on a theme outlined in Evolving the Preconception Health Framework: A Call for Reproductive and Sexual Health Equity. The series is hosted by Dr. Raegan McDonald-Mosley, CEO of Power to Decide, the campaign to prevent unplanned pregnancy. The RHNTC developed this podcast series in partnership with Power to Decide. 

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Dr. Jennifer Villavicencio, lead for equity transformation at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, discusses acknowledging historical and ongoing harms, including those perpetrated by health care and public health institutions.

Dr. Joia Crear-Perry, founder and president of the National Birth Equity Collaborative, discusses strategies for addressing root causes of reproductive and sexual health inequities, including racism, patriarchy, and economic inequality.

Featuring Mandy Fleming, Manager at Flathead Family Planning in Kalispell Montana, and Dr. Karen Scott, founding CEO and owner of Birthing Cultural Rigor, LLC and adjunct associate professor at University of California San Francisco, this episode includes a discussion of how health care providers and clinic administrators can work to redistribute power to marginalized individuals and communities and create systems that meet people’s needs, inside and outside the formal health care system.

Dr. Diana Carvajal, a family medicine doctor and assistant professor and director of the Reproductive Health Education program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Family and Community Medicine, shares ideas on how to affirm and create conditions for health in order to honor bodily autonomy for all people.