A Hypertension Control Champion in Iowa
Hypertension is important. It’s so closely related to both preconception and contraception, so it’s really important to all our sites. Even sites that don’t provide treatment on site do a good job screening and will refer for treatment when appropriate.Becky Parrish, DNP, WHNP-BC, IFPC Clinical Coordinator

The Siouxland Community Health Center (SCHC), an Iowa Family Planning Council (IFPC) Title X family planning service site, is one of just 15 practices nationwide that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Million Hearts Initiative has recognized as a 2020 Hypertension Control Champion. SCHC demonstrated excellence in care when they achieved blood pressure control for more than 80% of their adult patients with hypertension.
Knowing the devastating effect that uncontrolled hypertension can have on individuals’ lifelong health, potential future pregnancies, and health and racial disparities, SCHC made blood pressure control a priority. To improve blood pressure control among their clients, they implemented health information technology, home blood pressure monitoring, and medication adherence support.
The IFPC works closely with their subrecipients to support their ability to provide high-quality family planning, related, and other preventive health services. IFPC leadership sees hypertension prevention, screening, and control as central to their purpose. According to Becky Parrish, DNP, WHNP-BC, the IFPC Clinical Coordinator, “Hypertension is important. It’s so closely related to both preconception and contraception, so it’s really important to all our sites. Even sites that don’t provide treatment on site do a good job screening and will refer for treatment when appropriate.” IFPC is currently using social media and other channels to promote their services and, ultimately, help ensure that all Iowans get the family planning, reproductive health, and preventive health services they need.
Title X grantees and service sites can use the RHNTC's new Hypertension Prevention and Control Toolkit to help them integrate hypertension prevention, detection, and management best practices into their reproductive health services.