2024 Convening for Title X Staff

Meeting Agenda

The RHNTC invites Title X staff to join us for a Convening for Title X Staff on June 12–13, 2024 in Denver, CO to connect with others and to learn about Title X from experts and seasoned staff.

Over the course of 1.5 days, attendees will participate in interactive workshops designed to help Title X staff understand the program, seize opportunities, and overcome common challenges. Session topics will include: the Title X Expectations, I&E, adolescent health services, and community participation. There will also be breakout sessions focused on each Title X Program component (clinical, administrative, and fiscal) and on agency success and challenges.

We welcome Title X staff (especially those working in Title X for more than six months) from grantee agencies, subrecipients, and service sites to attend this convening. The convening is intended for Title X directors/administrators, program managers, fiscal and accounting staff, clinical leadership (e.g., medical directors, nurse consultants, clinical consultants), training directors, quality improvement directors, and strategic communication staff.

Convening Objectives 

The objectives of the convening are to:

  • Connect Title X staff to each other
  • Increase knowledge of Title X Program Expectations among Title X staff
  • Share resources available to Title X staff

View Agenda

8:30–9:15 am | Breakfast and Networking

9:15–9:30 am | Welcome and Introductions

Introduce Title X Bingo

9:30–10:45 am | Empowering Adolescents through Youth-friendly Title X Clinics

Facilitators:  Dr. Chinwe Efuribe, MD, MPH, Founder, Centered Youth Clinic and Consulting, and Medical Director, Every Body Texas; Giannie Cadet, UT-Austin Class of 27

10:45–11:00 am | Break

11:00–12:30 pm | Title X Expectations: Introduction + Ask Me Anything

Facilitators:  Iris Wong, Naomie Gathua, OPA

12:30–1:00 pm | Strategies for Improving Maternal Health Outcomes in the Title X Setting

Facilitator: Meg Sheahan, RHNTC

1:00–2:00 pm | Lunch and Learn: What’s New at CTC-SRH

Facilitator: Kristen Metcalf-Wilson (CTC-SRH)

2:00–3:30 pm | Strengthening Your Community Engagement Efforts

Facilitator: Kami Geoffray, Geoffray Strategies

Participants will become familiar with best practices for conducting community engagement, including the community participation, education, and project promotion (CPEP) activities as well as the information and education (I&E) activities expected of Title X recipients. Participants will be engaged to share strategies used within their agencies through small group exercises.

3:30–3:40 pm | Break

3:40–4:30 pm | Agency Challenges & Successes

Participants will self-select an agency type to  discuss key considerations for delivering Title X services within specific settings. 

4:30–4:45 pm | Day 1 Wrap-up

8:30–9:15 am | Breakfast and Communications & Connections

Discussion around preferred communication platforms: Gaggle, Google Group, WhatsApp, Basecamp.

9:15–10:30 am | Exploring The Different Functional Roles within Title X

Facilitators: Kristin Metcalf-Wilson (CTC-SRH), Kami Geoffray (Geoffray Strategies), Chun Liu (Indiana Family Health Council) and  Angie Fellers-LeMire (RHNTC)

Participants will join facilitated group discussions specific to the three main functional roles within Title X: clinical, administrative, fiscal and outreach.

10:30–12:30 pm | Title X Unconference Session

This unconference session will provide an opportunity for attendees to share ideas and discuss problems at a deeper level than during Day 1 sessions. While participant led, the RHNTC will introduce activities and provide support.

12:30–12:45 pm | Closing Activity and Reflection

There is no registration fee to attend the Title X staff convening.

The RHNTC will provide a $1,500 fixed travel expense for up to 2 individuals per agency to defray expenses associated with attendance. All fixed travel expense reimbursements will be paid to the grantee or subrecipient agency, not to individual attendees. Funds will be paid directly to grantee and subrecipient agencies following attendance, and approximately 30 days after submission of the required paperwork.

Hotel information. All activities will take place at the Magnolia Hotel located at 818 17th Street Denver, Colorado 80202

The nearest airport is Denver International Airport (DEN) and is approximately 35 minutes away.

Meals. During the convening, breakfast will be provided on day one and day two, and lunch provided on day one. Snacks and beverages will be provided during breaks.

The RHNTC will follow CDC's Respiratory Guidance for the convening Attendees are encouraged to mask when traveling to and from the convening. The RHNTC will provide high-quality masks during the convening for those who choose to wear them.

If you have questions, please reach out to us at rhntc@jsi.com. We hope to see you there!

This page summarizes the agenda for the 2024 Convening for Title X staff taking place in Denver, CO on June 12-13, 2024.