Title X Policy Development and Implementation Peer Learning Group Application

  • Actual Introduction
  • Registration Questions
  • Application Questions
  • Completo


Title X grantees and subrecipients are invited to apply for the Title X Policy Development and Implementation Peer Learning Group (PLG). Through this PLG, the RHNTC will facilitate a peer-to-peer learning process, leveraging field expertise to guide participants in developing, implementing, and training staff on written administrative policies and procedures that align with Title X Program Expectations.

Expected Outcomes

By the end of this PLG, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe a process for developing, implementing and updating policies that uphold compliance with Title X program expectations;
  2. Draft or update a policy and procedure or a framework to guide their agency’s policy development and implementation processes; and
  3. Identify resources that they can use to support Title X policy development, implementation and staff training.


  • The PLG includes five 90-minute virtual group sessions between February and June 2025, with one-on-one coaching calls between sessions. 
  • Participant teams will be expected to make progress on their work between sessions. 


  • The group sessions will promote peer learning and guide participants in developing policies that comply with Title X Program Expectations while advancing access to equitable, high-quality family planning services. 
  • Group sessions and coaching calls will support teams in drafting or updating a policy/procedure or a framework to guide their agency’s policy development and implementation processes. 
  • The final session will provide an opportunity for participants to share successes and key takeaways, and outline their next steps.


  • The RHNTC encourages all Title X agencies (grantees and subrecipients) to apply, especially those that have recently undergone or are anticipating a federal program review.
  • Teams may consist of staff from only the grantee agency, only the subrecipient agency, or a combination of both the grantee and subrecipient agencies.
  • Submit one application for your agency. 
  • The ideal team for each agency consists of 2 to 4 staff members involved in policy development, implementation, and/or training who can participate in all five virtual group sessions and one-on-one calls.

Criteria for participant selection

  • Eligible teams include those from Title X grantees and subrecipients. 
  • Participants should comprise staff responsible for policy development, implementation, and training. 
  • All Title X agencies are encouraged to apply, especially those undergoing recent or upcoming federal program reviews.


All sessions will take place from 2:00-3:30pm ET.

  1. February 26, 2025: Introductions and Overview: Understanding Title X Program Expectations and Strengthening Policies to Promote Access to Quality Family Planning Services
  2. March 26, 2025: Developing Effective Policies That Align with Title X Program Expectations
  3. April 23, 2025: Strategies for Successful Policy Implementation
  4. May 28, 2025: Collaborative Feedback on Policy Development and Implementation
  5. June 25, 2025: Sharing Successes and Lessons Learned in Policy Development and Implementation

Applications are due by 11:59 PM ET on February 3, 2025. The RHNTC will notify all applicants of the outcome by February 12, 2025. The RHNTC will select up to 12 teams for participation.